Saturday, December 19, 2009

2009 Meiers Cookie Caper

On Friday, December 18th, Ashley, Brandon, Casey & Daniella came to our home with a mission - make as many Christmas cookies as they could before Papa got home from work. It was no small task, but we baked over 30 dozen cookies. Brandon decided to leave all the baking to the girls while he playe the Wii!

Daniella's job was to put all the "chips" in each recipe and she did a fabulous job! Casey helped wash dishes and spoons as we changed recipes and Ashley measured and mixed while Nammie spooned the cookies on the sheets and placed them in the oven.

We are giving 10 dozen of our cookies this year to the Gilbert, Arizona police department to let them know we appreciate all they do for us and to wish them a Merry Christmas.

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