Friday, June 26, 2009

Road Trip Day 3

We made it safely to the Mall of America in Minnesota. I can't believe how huge this mall truly is. I was worn out right after walking inside the door! Tomorrow we will do the amusement park, the aquarium and if we aren't tired from more shopping.

We have been blessed with good weather since we left Arizona on Wednesday afternoon and have only seen 1 accident.

We have seen over 50,000 cows grazing the prairies and over 300 miles of acres and acres of corn. We certainly have gotten our "green" fix. We can do without the humidity. We love the dry heat!

Ashley was able to see up close how the Amish live as we were near one of their towns when we got gas. Several horse drawn buggies came up the road and we got pictures and videos.

We are thankful for the shuttle to the mall so we don't have to drive. (I'm tired of driving!)

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