Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Disneyland Trip 2011

On June 13th - June 17th the Meiers, the Orellanas and the Barichs left sunny Arizona for 5 days in southern  California and our anticipated trip to Disneyland for 3 full days.

We walked and shopped through downtown Disney on our first evening after arrival and then to bed early so we were well rested for 15 hours at the park the next day.

Daniella was looking forward to riding the roller coasters with Nammie as were most of the grandkids.  Brandon loves Thunder Mountain railroad while Casey loves Space Mountain and Ashley loves everything like Nammie.  Papa outwalked everyone and we wanted to tap into his energy!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tristan Turns 6!!

Everyone gathered at Nammie & Papa's house for a swim birthday party for Tristan on June 10th.  Tristan's real birthday is June 19th, but he can't remember that!!

We enjoyed pizza, fresh strawberries and red grapes along with chips and plent of birthday cake.  The weather was beautiful and not an Arizona hot one so they kids were able to swim, play and eat outside without complaining about the heat!

After swimming it was time for the cake and opening the presents.  Tristan had a great time and all the kids left very tired!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cadence Turns 7 Years Old!

Family & school friends gathered at the Gilbert Bowl to celebrate Cadence's 7th birthday on Saturday, May 14, 2011. (Her birthdate is May 12th)

We were assigned lanes 14-16 for the kids to begin bowling. When the kids arrived, their names were already up on the monitors, which they thought was really cool!

Pizza, soda pop and chocolate cake was served as the kids bowled and Mommy, Nammie, Papa, Auntie & Uncle Hector looked on.

Cadence then opened all of her gifts and the two hour party came to an end! Nammie was able to bowl with the kids as she is just a kid trapped in a very large body!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Gangs All Here - Meiers Grandchildren

It's hard getting 8 grandchildren to sit or stand still for a moment while we try to grab a picture! Well, Zachery's 9th birthday party was the perfect time and we got a good shot of us with all of the grandkids! Here's a couple of pics of the kids with us.

Patty holding Finnley with Brandon behind her. Next to Patty - Tristan, Daniella, Cadence, Casey, Zachery, Ashley and then Rod.

Finnley Turns 4 Months Old

Our latest granddaughter Finnley is growing up way too fast! Here is a couple of pictures at her brother's birthday party in April.

Zachery's 9th Birthday Party

Family & friends gathered at our local Bounce U activity center to celebrate Zachery's 9th birthday on April 2, 2011. Bounce U is a place where all the activities are planned and you just have to show up and have fun.

We watched the kids bounce and slide on many different kids of apparatus wishing we were much younger and had all of their energy!

Pizza and birthday cake were served in the birthday room and everyone ooohed and aaahed when the candles all lit at the same time on Zachery's cake.

Time to open presents placed Zachery in an inflatable "Kings" chair while everyone watched. A good time was had by all and we didn't have to clean up!

Friday, December 17, 2010

2010 Cousins Meet

Finnley meets Ashley, Brandon and Daniella for the first time on 12-16-10. Finnley is a little over 2 weeks old. Brandon can't believe how little she is. Ashley is a natural holding her new cousin.